Chromebook Help
Chrome help link: Click here for help topics
Presentation on Chromebook basics: Click here to view presentation
Getting on Wifi
Other Help Videos:
meet instructions Printable Guide
Google docs, sheets, and other apps tutorials
Taking Care of the Chromebook
Connecting To WIFI
● Upon opening your Chromebook you will be greeted with the login/connect to WiFi screen. If you do not know your student login information then check the Student Login
Section below
● If you need help on how to connect to WiFi then please check the Connecting to
the Internet Section below
After you have connected to the Internet and have logged in, you should be on the Chromebook desktop. The Chromebook Operating System (ChromeOS) functions very similar to the Google Chrome Web Browser.
If you would like to learn how to use your Chromebook or want to learn more about it then we have provided a link below to the Google How-to page that includes many different guides and tips on how to use your Chromebook:
Students should log in with their WCSlive gmail account. If the student does not know their credentials they will need to get it from their teacher.
Connecting to the Internet
Step-by-step guide on how to connect your Chromebook to the internet. We have also provided a link to the Google How-to connect to internet page:
1. Click the Quick Settings Panel at the bottom right of your screen 2. Click on “no-network”
3. Select your Wifi Network
4. Pick a Wifi Network and enter the password if it calls for one. Here is a help link to do this:
Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by the school. Students with Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must take the device to one of the Chromebook support areas within the school as soon as possible so that they can be taken care of properly.
District-owned Chromebooks should never be taken to an outside computer service for any type of repairs or maintenance. Students should never leave their Chromebooks unattended except when locked in their hallway locker.
General Precautions
No food or drink should be next to Chromebooks.
Cords, cables, and removable storage devices (e.g. thumb drives) must be inserted carefully into appropriate port on the Chromebooks.
Chromebooks should not be used or stored near pets.
Chromebooks should not be used with the power cord plugged in when the cord may be a tripping hazard.
Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, and labels. Only approved Chromebook skins are allowed.
Heavy objects should never be placed on top of Chromebooks.
Chromebooks should never be loaned to another student or individual during the school day or otherwise.
Carrying Chromebooks
Always transport Chromebooks with care. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Students should hold the Chromebooks (cover closed) with two hands if they need to carry the Chromebook anywhere inside or outside of the classroom during instructional time.
Never lift a Chromebook by the screen.
Never carry a Chromebook with the screen open.
Opening the Chromebook
Open the Chromebook only when it is resting on a flat surface such as a table or desk.
To open the Chromebook, use one hand to hold the keyboard against the table. Use the other hand to open the screen by grasping the screen’s edge (in the middle) and gently moving the screen to the open position. (Figure 1. Opening a Chromebook.)
The hinge of the screen will only allow the screen to be open to a slight angle. Do not attempt to open the screen beyond this stopping point as the screen will break if forced.
Closing the Chromebook
Before closing the screen, make sure there is nothing on the keyboard to prevent the full closure of the device. Obstacles on the keyboard could cause broken screens or damaged hinges.
Close the screen only when the Chromebook is resting on a flat surface such as a table or desk.
Close the Chromebook using two hands–one at either corner of the screen (Figure 2. Closing a Chromebook.)
Close the screen gently.
Figure 1: Opening a Chromebook.
Figure 2. Closing a Chromebook.
Screen Care
The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to heavy objects, rough treatment, some cleaning solvents, and other liquids. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.
Do not put pressure on the top of a Chromebook when it is closed.
Do not store a Chromebook with the screen open.
Do not place anything in the protective case that will press against the cover.
Make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils, or disks).
Never lift the Chromebook by the screen.
Only clean the screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
Asset Tags
All Chromebooks will be labeled with a WCS asset tag.
Asset tags may not be modified or tampered with in any way.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Technology to prevent Coronavirus spread
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says transmission of coronavirus occurs much more commonly through respiratory droplets than through physical objects, so your best precaution is to wash your hands and avoid close contact with people who are sick. But they also state that current evidence suggests that novel coronavirus, may remain viable for hours or days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. So cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces regularly – like your Chromebook, Classroom Phone, Cell Phone, Touch Screens or other electronics is a best practice to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses in households or community areas.
What do you need to clean and disinfect your device?
1. Make sure to use bleach-free disinfecting wipes (Clorox or Lysol brand Disinfecting Wipes (Yellow container)) or a solution made of 40% rubbing alcohol and 60 percent distilled water mixed in a spray bottle.
2. Microfiber cloths or linen free soft cleaning cloths.
3. Lastly, a can of compressed air, this is optional but a good option to
remove dirt or dust from ports and other hard to reach areas.
Precautions to be aware of.
1. Never use harsh cleaning supplies such as undiluted bleach directly on electronics as they can damage screens and other components of a device.
2. Never spray any cleaning solution directly onto a Chromebook or any electronic device. You should always apply the cleaning or disinfecting solution on a microfiber cloth and then apply it.
3. Lastly, if you are using a bleach-free disinfecting wipe or cloth with a solution on it, be sure to wring it out before wiping down a device. We want to disinfect the electronic device not damage it.
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Chromebook or electronic device.
1. Power down the Chromebook or device.
2. Disconnect any cables or peripherals that are plugged into your
device. This helps cleaning all parts of your device.
3. If you have the optional compressed air this is a good time to go over
the device with the air can and remove any crumbs or dust from the device and its ports. (When using compressed air, make sure to use short bursts and never turn the can upside-down as this could result in skin irritation or burning and damage your device)
4. Use the disinfectant wipe or apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol/distilled water solution to the cloth and completely wipe down the entire Chromebook, including the screen and around each key of the keyboard. Use a small amount of pressure to remove any fingerprints or smudges on the screen, but not too much since this could damage the display. If you aren’t comfortable using the cleaning solution on the screen, you can buy disinfectant wipes specifically designed for LCD and laptop screens.
5. Once everything is dry, you can use a new dry microfiber to buff the screen to remove any haze that might be left behind on the display from the disinfecting process.
The cleaning techniques described above can be used as a general cleaning and disinfecting guideline for all personal or in-class electronic devices throughout the school year or during the flu season.