CNP Triennial Assessment Summary
LOCAL WELLNESS POLICY: Triennial Assessment Summary
Section 1. General Information
School (s) Included in the assessment:
Walker County
Month and year of current assessment _May 2024____________________________________________
Date and last Local Wellness Policy revision: May 2024__________________________________
Website address for the wellness policy and/or information on how the public can access a copy:
Section 2. Wellness Committee Information
How many times per year does your school wellness committee meet? Annually__________________
Designated School Wellness Leader
Name Job Title Email Address |
Janell Aultman CNP Director |
School Wellness Committee Members
Name Job Title Email Address |
Patrick Gann Technology Director |
Dr. Dennis Willingham Superintendent |
Ms. Paige Abner Principal |
Ms. Mandi Panter Teacher |
Mr. Steven Rowe Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent |
Mrs. Ginger Eatman Regional Extension Agent, SNAP-Ed, AL Cooperative Extension Service |
Ms. Margaret Guthrie Director of Health Services |
Ms. Laurel H. Elliott General Public Representative |
Ms. Katherine Patton Parent Representative |
Ms. Annette Hill General Public Representative |
Section 3. Comparison to Model School Wellness Policies
Complete the WellSat 3.0 assessment tool and keep a copy of the results on file for at least three full school years plus the current year, as it will be reviewed during the next administrative review of your school nutrition program.
Indicate model policy language used for comparison:
___Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Model Policy
_X_WellSat 3.0 example policy language
Describe how your wellness policy compares to model wellness policies.
Meet standards.
Section 4. Compliance with the Wellness Policy and Progress towards Goals
At a minimum, local wellness policies are required to include:
Specific goals for:
Nutrition promotion and education
Physical activity
Other school based activities that promote student wellness.
Standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold to students on the school campus during the school day that are consistent with Federal regulations for school meal nutrition standards, and the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
Standards for all foods and beverages provided, but not sold, to students during the school day (e.g., in classroom parties, classroom snacks brought by parents, or other foods given as incentives).
Policies for food and beverage marketing that allow marketing and advertising of only those foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
Description of public involvement, public updates, policy leadership, and evaluation plan.
Using the tables below, indicate the language that is currently written in the district local wellness policy in relation to each topic area. Next, assess and discuss whether the district is meeting the goal, partially meeting the goal, or not meeting the goal. Finally, indicate the progress made for each goal and next steps that have been identified.
Nutrition Promotion and Education Goal(s) |
Meeting Goal |
Partially Meeting Goal |
Not Meeting Goal |
Describe progress and next steps scribe progress and next steps |
Continue to meet Alabama education standards and USDA smart snack guidelines |
x |
continue |
Physical Activity Goal(s) |
Meeting Goal |
Partially Meeting Goal |
Not Meeting Goal |
Describe progress and next steps |
Continue to meet Alabama standards |
x |
continue |
School-based activities to promote student wellness goal(s) |
Meeting Goal |
Partially Meeting Goal |
Not Meeting Goal |
Describe progress and next steps |
Continue to meet USDA standards and state guidelines |
x |
continue |
Nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages for sale on the school campus (i.e. school meals and smart snacks) |
Meeting Goal |
Partially Meeting Goal |
Not Meeting Goal |
Describe progress and next steps |
Continue to meet USDA smart snack standards |
x |
continue |
Guidelines for other foods and beverages available on the school campus, but not sold |
Meeting Goal |
Partially Meeting Goal |
Not Meeting Goal |
Describe progress and next steps |
Continue to meet USDA smart snack and state standards |
x |
continue |
Marketing and advertising of only foods and beverages that meet Smart Snacks |
Meeting Goal |
Partially Meeting Goal |
Not Meeting Goal |
Describe progress and next steps |
Continue to meet USDA smart snack standards |
x |
continue |
Include any additional notes, if necessary.